Recently Shared Abstracts
Tin (Sn2+) and strontium (Sr2+) are potential replacements to lead (Pb2+) in perovskite synthesis since Sn is on the same IVA group in the periodic…
Stroke remains the leading cause of disability and death in the Philippines. Evaluating the current state of stroke care, the needed resources, and the gaps…
This paper aims to examine the roles and relations of women and men in the processing sector of the tuna value chain in General Santos…
Along with industrialization and rapid urbanization, environmental remediation is globally a perpetual concept to deliver a sustainable environment. Various organic and inorganic wastes from industries…
Emerging technologies for treating oily wastewater employ ultrafiltration membranes that incorporate hydrophilic nanoparticles for enhanced effectiveness and efficiency. In this study, cellulose acetate (CA) mixed-matrix membranes with zwitterionic nanoparticles—polydopamine-sulfobetaine methacrylate or…
Porphyry ores and E-wastes/WEEE are two of the most important copper-bearing materials on the planet. Over 60% of world copper output comes from porphyry copper…
In this paper, the investigation of the Electron-Photon Interaction Cross Sections 2017 (EPICS2017) library on the shielding properties of several ceramics is presented. The EPICS2017…
There a lot of review papers addressing specific COVID-19 research sectors, then devoted to specialists. This review provides an in-depth summary of the available information…
Methanol, a liquid hydrogen carrier, can produce high purity hydrogen when required. This review discusses and compares current mainstream production pathways of hydrogen from methanol. Recent research…
Background Despite the expanding literature that discusses insights into the clinical picture and mechanisms by which the SARS-CoV-2 virus invades the nervous system, data on…