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Dr. Teodora Uy Bagarinao |
Full Name:
Teodora Uy Bagarinao
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Aquaculture Department
5021 Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines
Ph.D. (Marine Biology), 1991
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
On fellowship from the Fulbright-Hayes Foundation (USA)
Thesis: “Sulfide tolerance and adaptation in a salt marsh resident, the California killifish Fundulus parvipinnis Girard and other shallow-water marine fishes”
M.Sc. (Marine Biology), 1982
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
On fellowship from the International Development Research Centre (Canada)
Thesis:“The visual feeding threshold and action spectrum of northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax G.) larvae and some ecological implications”
B.Sc. (Biology), magna cum laude, 1977
University of San Carlos (Cebu City, Philippines)
State Scholar, Philippine Department of Education (1973-1977)
Research Interests
At the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department:
Current Research:
“The tangab (filter net) fishery in Iloilo Strait, Philippines: operations, catch volume and species composition, economic importance, and ecological impact”
Earlier research:
- Marine biodiversity in the Philippines
- Collection and identification of fishes, mollusks, crustaceans, corals, other aquatic animals
- Mangrove ecology
- Ichthyoplankton
- Natural history and ecology of milkfish, Chanos chanos
- Milkfish farming in the Philippines
- Biology and management of the pest snail Cerithidea cingulata in fish ponds
- Sulfide biochemistry and toxicology
- Early development and behavior of marine fishes
At the Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History
- Fulbright Senior Scholar, 1 September 2007 to 31 January 2008
- Research project: “The USS Albatross Expedition in the Philippines, 1907-1910: Biodiversity collections, research publications, and exploration history”
Institutional Publications:
- Bagarinao TU. 2007. HRD through science and environment education at SEAFDEC FishWorld. Fish for the People. Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Bagarinao TU (Editor). 2007. Fisheries Sector Program Research Output Volume 2. Bureau of Agricultural Research, Department of Agriculture, Quezon City, Philippines.
- Bagarinao TU, CP Recente. 2007. What’s in a tangab? SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines, 8 pp.
- Bagarinao, TU. 2006. AQD Highlights 2005: Raising Rural Productivity through Aquaculture. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines, 68 pp.
- Bagarinao TU. 2006. SEAFDEC/AQD’s information products and services: bridging the gap between research and fish production. Information Specialists Exchange Program, Sixth Conference, Pattaya, Thailand, 12-16 Dec 2005. Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Bagarinao, TU. 2006. Living with Suso in Bangus Ponds (leaflet). SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines.
- Bagarinao TU. 2005. Regional Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries in Southeast Asia – Responsible Aquaculture. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines, 43 pp.
- Bagarinao TU, Primavera JH. 2005. Code of Practice for Sustainable Use of Mangrove Ecosystems for Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines, 47 pp.
- Bagarinao, TU. 2005. AQD Highlights 2004: Agent for Quality Development in Aquaculture. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines, 44 pp.
- Bagarinao, TU. 2004. AQD Highlights 2003: Leadership in the Aquaculture Sector. SEAFDECAquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines, 32 pp.
- AQD Matters, newsletter of the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Vol. 1 (Apr-Jul 2004, 4 issues), Vol. 2 (Jan-Dec 2005, 12 issues), Vol. 3 (Jan-May 2006, 5 issues)
- Newsletter of SEAFDEC FishWorld: Nature Matters Vol. 1-2, July 1999-Dec 2000 (8 issues); EnvironMatters Vol. 3, Mar-Dec 2001 (4 issues); FishWorld Matters Vol. 4, Jun-Dec 2002 (2 issues)
Research Publications:
- Lantin-Olaguer I, Bagarinao TU. 2001. Gonadal maturation, fecundity, spawning, and timing of reproduction of the mud snail, Cerithidea cingulata, a pest in milkfish ponds in the Philippines. Invert. Reprod. Dev. 39: 195-207.
- Bagarinao T, Lantin-Olaguer I. 2000. From triphenyltins to integrated management of the ‘pest’ snail Cerithidea cingulata in mangrove-derived brackishwater ponds in the Philippines. Hydrobiologia 437: 1-16.
- Bagarinao T. 1999. Protected areas for biodiversity conservation and environment education in the Philippines. Philipp. J. Sci. 128(3): 193-211.
- Bagarinao T. 1999. Ecology and Farming of Milkfish. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines. 171 pp.
- Bagarinao T. 1999. Order Gonorynchiformes Chanidae Milkfish, pp. 1822-1824. In: Carpenter KE, Niem VH (eds) FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Volume 3. Batoid fishes, Chimaeras, and Bony Fishes Part I (Elopidae to Linophrynidae). Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.
- Bagarinao T. 1998. Ecological considerations in milkfish farming in marine pens and cages. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 3: 64-79.
- Bagarinao T, Lantin-Olaguer I. 1998. Sulfide tolerance of milkfish and tilapia in relation to fish kills in farms and natural waters in the Philippines. Hydrobiologia 382: 137-150.
- Bagarinao T. 1998. Historical and recent trends in milkfish farming in the Philippines, pp. 381-422. In: De Silva, SS (ed) Tropical Mariculture. Academic Press, London.
- Bagarinao T. 1998. Nature parks, museums, botanical gardens, and zoos for environment education and biodiversity conservation in the Philippines. Ambio 27: 230-237.
- Bagarinao T. 1997. The milkfish fry shortage in the Philippines and the supply from fisheries and hatcheries. UPV J. Nat. Sci. 2: 146-166.
- Bagarinao TU, Flores EEC (Editors). 1995a. Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in Southeast Asia and Japan. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines, 254 pp.
- Bagarinao TU, Flores EEC. 1995b. The SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department at 21: R&D for sustainable aquaculture, pp. 227-249. In: Bagarinao and Flores (1995a).
- Bagarinao TU. 1994a. Systematics, genetics, distribution and life history of milkfish Chanos chanos. Env. Biol. Fish. 39: 23-41.
- Bagarinao TU. 1994b. On publishing scientific papers in peer-reviewed ISI-covered journals. Philipp. Scient. 31: 169-187.
- Emata AC, Eullaran B, Bagarinao TU. 1994. Induced spawning and early life description of the mangrove red snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus. Aquaculture 121: 381-387.
- Bagarinao T, Vetter RD. 1993. Sulphide tolerance and adaptation in the Valifornia killifish Fundulus parvipinnis, a salt marsh resident. J. Fish Biol. 42: 729-748.
- Bagarinao T. 1992. Sulfide as an environmental factor and toxicant: tolerance and adaptation of aquatic organisms. Aquat. Toxicol. 24: 21-62.
- Bagarinao T, Vetter RD. 1992. Sulfide-hemoglobin interactions in the sulfide-tolerant salt marsh resident, California killifish Fundulus parvipinnis. J. Comp. Physiol. B 162: 614-624.
- Bagarinao T. 1991. Biology of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal). SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines, 91 pp.
- Bagarinao T, Vetter R. 1990. Oxidative detoxification of sulfide by the mitochondria of the California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis) and the speckled sanddab (Citharichthys stigmaeus). J. Comp. Physiol. B 160: 519-527.
- Vetter RD, Bagarinao T. 1990. Detoxification and exploitation of hydrogen sulphide by marine organisms, pp. 99-116. In: MG Prior, SH Roth, FHY Green, WC Hulbert, R Reiffenstein (eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydrogen Sulphide Toxicity, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 18-21 June 1989. Sulphide Research Network, Edmonton, Canada.
- Bagarinao T, Vetter R. 1989. Sulfide tolerance and detoxification of shallow-water marine fishes. Mar. Biol. 103: 291-302.
- Bagarinao T, Kumagai S. 1987. Occurrence and distribution of milkfish larvae, Chanos chanos off the western coast of Panay Island, Philippines. Env. Biol. Fish. 19: 155-160.
- Bagarinao T, Solis NB, Villaver WR, Villaluz AC. 1987. Important fish and shrimp fry in Philippine coastal waters: identification, collection and handling. Extension Manual No. 10, 52 pp. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines.
- Camacho AS, Bagarinao T. 1987. Impact of fishpond development on the mangrove ecosystem, pp. 383-406. In: Mangroves of Asia and the Pacific: Status and Management. Technical Report UNDP/UNESCO Research and Training Pilot Program on Mangrove Ecosystems in Asia and the Pacific. Ministry of Natural Resources, Quezon City, Philippines.
- Bagarinao T. 1986. Yolk resorption, onset of feeding and survival potential of larvae of three tropical marine fish species reared in the hatchery. Mar. Biol. 91: 449-459.
- Bagarinao T. 1986. The milkfish seed resources in Sri Lanka: status, problems and recommendations. J. Inland Fish. Sri Lanka 3: 96-107.
- Bagarinao T, Chua TE. 1986. Egg size and larval size among teleosts: implications to survival potential, pp. 651-656. In: JL MacLean, LB Dizon and LV Hosillos (eds.) The First Asian Fisheries Forum. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines.
- Bagarinao T, Kungvankij P. 1986. An incidence of swimbladder stress syndrome in hatchery-reared seabass (Lates calcarifer) larvae. Aquaculture 51: 181-186.
- Bagarinao T, Taki Y. 1986. The larval and juvenile fish community in Pandan Bay, Panay Island, Philippines, pp.728-739. In: T Uyeno, R Arai, T Taniuchi and K Matsuura (eds) Indo-Pacific Fish Biology: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Indo-Pacific Fishes. Ichthyological Society of Japan, Tokyo.
- Bagarinao T, Thayaparan K. 1986. The length-weight relationship, food habits and condition factor of wild juvenile milkfish in Sri Lanka. Aquaculture 55: 241-246.
- Hara S, Kohno H, Duray MN, Bagarinao T, Gallego A, Taki Y. 1986. Feeding habits of larval rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus in the laboratory, pp. 573-576. In: JL Maclean, LB Dizon and LV Hosillos (eds.) The First Asian Fisheries Forum. Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines.
- Kumagai S, Bagarinao T, Unggui A. 1985. Growth of juvenile milkfish Chanos chanos in a natural habitat. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 22: 1-6.
- Duray M, Bagarinao T. 1984. Weaning of hatchery-bred milkfish larvae from live food to artificial diets. Aquaculture 41: 325-332.
- Bagarinao T, Hunter JR. 1983. The visual feeding threshold and action spectrum of northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) larvae. CalCOFI Rep. 24: 245-254.
- Kumagai S, Bagarinao T. 1981. Studies on the habitat and food of juvenile milkfish in the wild. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 6: 1-10.
- Kumagai S, Bagarinao T, Unggui A. 1980. A study of the milkfish fry fishing gears in Panay Island, Philippines. Technical Report No. 6, 34 pp. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, Iloilo, Philippines.
- Kawamura G, Bagarinao T. 1980. Fishing methods and gears in Panay Island, Philippines. Mem. Fac. Fish. Kagoshima Univ. 29: 81-121.
- Kawamura G, Hara S, Bagarinao T. 1980. A fundamental study of the behavior of milkfish fry for improving the efficiency of traditional fry collecting gears in the Philippines. Mem. Kagoshima Univ. Res. Center S. Pacific 1: 65-74.
- Kumagai S, Bagarinao T. 1979. Results of drift card experiments and considerations on the movement of milkfish eggs and larvae in the northern Sulu Sea. Fish. Res. J. Philipp. 4 (2): 62-81.