The Bahay Kubo Research (BKR) team, a group of young Filipino researchers working voluntarily to promote S&T in the Philippines, re-launched its database of Filipino researchers’ website this week. The new database can be found in this URL:
Unlike other database projects, the BKR database allows Filipino researchers to post and edit their research profiles online, making it community-driven. The profiles can include a list of papers published in international journals or presented in international conferences, authored books, current research interests, awards received, and educational attainment, among others.
In re-launching the website, several important features have been added to the previous versions made several years ago. Registered members can now easily interact with other members by sending online messages, collaborate with each other by joining existing groups or creating new ones, and easily search content in the database, among others. The site also features an activity stream which takes snapshots of the different activities occurring in the site.
As of this writing, the site has over 100 members – this includes Filipino researchers based in the Philippines and abroad. The BKR team hopes to increase this number with the re-launching of the site with the new interactive features, which is expected to attract more researchers to join the database.
With the popularity of social networking sites like Facebook, it is just appropriate to have a website where Filipino researchers can network with each other. The BKR database aims to serve as the suitable platform for this networking, and to blaze the trail for international networking and cooperation among Filipino scientists and researchers.
For more information, visit Questions and comments can be sent directly by email to tanong @