Serving as one of the few training institutions of medical oncology in the Philippines, the University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital was faced with challenges brought by the coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) pandemic. With the dismantling of routines and practices in the hospital, training activities such as daily rounds, conferences, and examinations were temporarily put on hold. Recognizing that the strength of any clinical training program is its wealth of patients, the immediate resumption of patient services, albeit limited at first, had been instrumental in ensuring the continuation of training in our institution. Opportunistic teaching-learning strategies between the faculty and fellows were devised. Innovative approaches to learning such as the use of online meeting platforms for division conferences, webinars, examinations, and other learning activities were initiated. Emphasis was given on the important considerations in the management of cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. The emotional and psychological well-being of the faculty and fellows during this crisis were considered and a mental health assessment was conducted prior to the resumption of training activities.