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Using Waste in Producing Bio-Composite Mycelium Bricks

Jason Maximino C. Ongpeng, Edward Inciong, Vince Sendo, Crizia Soliman, Adrian Siggaoat


One of the major causes of an increase in the consumption of resources is the progress of the construction industry. Although it leads to new technologies, it heavily contributes to global warming. In this study, the use of sustainable construction materials from waste in brick production with mycelium as a binder is investigated. The ability of mycelium, the root fibers of fungi, obtained from microorganisms is used as stabilizing and binding material on bricks. Forty-eight brick specimens from six design mixes were produced with a size of 200 mm length × 90 mm width × 60 mm height. The mechanical tests conducted were compressive and flexural strength. The changes in weight were recorded against its age to monitor the progress of mycelium growth inside the brick specimens. From the test, bricks made from sawdust and rice bran with mycelium had an increase of 31.0% to 38.5% in average compressive strength compared to the non-mycelium bricks, respectively. Furthermore, the bricks with mycelium experienced an increase in both flexural strength and midpoint displacement for all types of bricks (rice bran, sawdust, and clay). These mycelium-induced bricks can reduce the use and consumption of traditional construction materials with enhanced mechanical properties.

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